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Elementor #7784

Our Corporate Social Responsibility outlook at SystemSpecs is focused on facilitating capacity development in the ICT sector in Nigeria and anywhere we may operate.

  • The annual SystemSpecs National Children’s Day Essay Competition (CDEC) is one of the expressions of our commitment to this objective. This initiative is managed at the group level at SystemSpecs, and has been running for since 2020.

  • The goal of CDEC is to facilitate National development by stimulating children within the age range of 9 – 16 years to embrace technology as a viable tool for addressing issues in their local environment. Over time, we see large number of technology-aware & interested young talents being raised as national resources, through SystemSpecs CDEC.


SystemSpecs started operations in 1992 to deliver cutting-edge solutions to businesses and Governments in Nigeria and Africa. As a successful, fully indigenous tech-solutions provider, SystemSpecs is committed to contributing to every effort aimed at closing the technology skill gap in Nigeria, to unlock exponential developments in our dear country. 

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