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How to Pay Lagos State Government on Remita

  1. Visitwww.remita.net and click Pay FGN and State TSA


First Time Users


  1. To Register as a First Time Payer
    1. a)Choose applicable radio button – Individual or Company, complete relevant information and click Register

b)Payer ID is generated. ClickProceed To Payment.


c) Choose Agency Name, Revenue Type and enter Amount. Then click Next

d) Modal is displayed as shown below. Click on Proceed To Payment. Note the Bill Reference ID highlighted in yellow.

e) Select desired Payment Channel and click SUBMIT

f) Transaction is processed successfully as shown below.

g) Click PRINT RECEIPT to view Receipts from Lagos State and Remita. Receipts are also mailed to email address keyed in at point of making payment.

Already Registered Users – Pay with Payer ID

  1. To pay with Payer ID, carry out steps 1 and 2, then click Pay with Payer ID

  1. Enter Bill Reference ID and click Search. Payment details are displayed accordingly on the left side of the screen. Complete relevant details as seen on the right side of screen and click Continue

  1. Modal is displayed as shown below. Click on Proceed to Payment

  1. Carry out steps 3e – 3g above to complete payment process


  1. What is a Bill Reference?

This is a unique ID generated by Lagos State for every Bill payable to the State Government. It is the Invoice No of a Bill which can be used to track payment made in favour of a particular bill.

  1. What is a Payer ID?

This is a Unique ID Number assigned to every Payer (Individuals and Corporate Entities) making payments to Lagos State, be it for taxes or other Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) Collections. The Payer ID is maintained in the State Government’s database and is tied to every payment made by an individual or corporate organization. Payer ID for individuals begins with “N-“ while that of Corporates begin with “C-.”

  1. How do I obtain a Payer ID?

If you do not already have a Payer ID, you will need to register to obtain one. To do this, click on LAGOS STATE GOVERNMENT under Pay FGN and State TSA and complete required details on the First Time Payer section. To confirm whether or not you already have a Payer ID, click on Find Payer Details to search for your name. If the search returns positive, your details, including your Payer ID, will be displayed on the screen.


  1. Can I have two Payer IDs?

You are expected to have a unique ID that ties you to every payment made to Lagos State Government.

  1. Is the Bill Reference No available on the Remita Receipt? Yes, the Bill Reference No is available on the Remita receipt.
  2. How can Payers retrieve the Lagos State Receipt?

Once Payment is made, the Lagos State and Remita Receipts are immediately available for download.

Copies of these receipts are also sent to the Payer’s email keyed-in at the point of making payment.


  1. Is the Bill Reference available on the Inflows report?

The Bill Reference is not available on Inflows report. However, it is available on receipts. In addition, payments for which Lagos State Government has issued a Bill for carries the Bill Reference No and this is always known to the Payer.


  1. Can Payers process Lagos State Government payments at the Bank Branch?

Available payment channels include Local and International Debit/Credit cards, Internet Banking, Digital Wallets (Paga) and Non-bank Collection Agents.


  1. In cases where Payers do not have details of their RRR or Bill Reference after making payments, how can we help them retrieve their receipts?

Please use a combination of payment details known to the customer (such as Phone No, Email, Amount, Transaction Date etc.) to obtain the RRR. The Bill Reference is stamped on both Remita and Lagos State receipts.


  1. Can Payers process Lagos State Government payments from the Remita profile?

Payers are not required to login to their Remita profiles to make payments to Lagos State Government. Please refer to the process flow document for detailed steps.